newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated25/03/2025 22:45 

Station Logs

Station / Data Problems

4th - 5th-09-2024 - Internet down again, there is some data loss
14th - 17th-08-2024 - Internet down there is some data loss
16-11-2022 - Mains down from approx 12:34 to 13:24, Smart meter fitted, No weather data lost, some things like webcams etc down
5th May 2022 - Replacement Temp/Humidity sensor fitted,
Please ignore all temp and humidty readings from 30-4-2022 to 5-5-2022 13:45
30/4/2022 Outside Temp, Humidity and Chill Not working, temp/humidity sensor failed, will order one, with bank hol be a few days.
26/3/2022 Solar Radiadtion sensor replaced
25/3/2022 Solar Radiadtion sensor reading low, cleaned with Ethanol Alcohol, fingers crossed othwise new sensor
14to18-03-2022 - No data for 4 days, webserver upgrade total mess, back online 10:32 18/03/2022
27th October 2021 Sorry my broadband down from 01:23 to 12:45 approx
2nd - 4th May 2021 Website down, Hosts issues with a DOS attack / Performance,(Told to ban 4 ip's, 2 from UK, excessive requests)
2nd - 4th May 2021 No weather data lost whilst site offline
16/10/2020 - Replaced rain bucket with the new spoon version from Davis, suspect rain data loss
29/09/2020 to 01/10/2020 10:30 approx -- FTTP fibre broadband down following upgrade, no weather data lost, lost solarpv and radiation data
24/9/2020 - FTTP fibre broadband down from approx 12:00 to 13:28, no weather data lost
9/8/2020 - Anemometer replaced, giving low speeds and direction when light wind speed, might have caused incorrect wind data in days prior.
18/12/2019 - PC locked up, reset, corrected rain total, approx 2 hours data lost
9/8/2019 - Power outage from 16:53:49 to 17:18:54, no data loss
19/5/2019 - Changed Plane AIS from windows PC to Raspberry PI, flightradar24 no longer supporting windows data uploads
01/12/2018 - Added Netio GC10 geiger counter to site
08/08/2018 - PurpleAir, Air quality sensor installed
8/2/2018 - Fitted Davis VP2 solar sensor
12/1/2018 07:55 WS2300 replaced with davis VP2 Pro weather station, WS2300 been in service since May 2007 20/12/2017 False wind gusts of 40+ mph when raining / damp for long time, I have replacement weather station its just time
7/8/2017 No data recorded between 10:15 - 15:25, Power off, Western Power planned work
19/6/2017 New record temp of 30.2C beat the all time high of 29.2C on 08/07/2013
15/4/2017 Weather and radiation data lost between 0:38 to 06:30 - PC Crash.
13/4/2017 Weather and radiation data lost between 07:39 to 08:38 - PC Crash.
2/2/2017 Anemometer faulty from 06:57 to 10:37, no speed or direction, unit replaced, I had a spare
1/5/2016 Weather and radiation data lost between 00:20 and 05:58 - PC Crash
12/4/2016 Ordered a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station to replace WS2300
9/3/2016 Power cut 06:32/06:52, Gales, no data lost, UPS ok, webcams down
7-8/2/2016 False or no data, gales 7th 23:22 to 03:40 8th, equipment reset, ok
16/11/2015 Replacement Anemometer ordered from
14/11/2015 (Ongoing) - Anemometer giving false gusts of over 60 mph, editing out false data, will ring skyview to order replacement Monday
2/10/2015 Weather and radiation data lost between 23:30 and 06:40 3/10/2015 - PC Crash
22/9/2015 UPS status added to stite status page
16/9/2015 UPS fitted to protect weather station and some equipment in a power cut
08/9/2015 Weather and radiation data lost between 02:08 and 06:30 - PC Crash
11/7/2015 Weather and radiation data lost between 00:30 and 05:46 - PC Crash
18/4/2015 Conifer hedge removed, this might now affect temperture readings recorded as it did offer some
25/2/2015 Weather data lost between 04:22 and 06:27 - PC Crash
19/2/2015 Weather Station(WD), Radiation and AIS software moved to new PC (shuttle XS36v4)
2/2/2015 Wind vane frozen since 00:00 to 08:00 approx, stuck at ESE (112 degrees)
7/10/2014 Anemometer arrived and fitted [ 2.5 hours to fit ] back online 15:35, thanks to SKYVIEW
6/10/2014 NO WIND DATA, Anemometer faulty, gale overnight, replacement ordered, last change 13/10/2012
8/2/2014 Mains flicking locked up PC and corrupted max gust at 96 mph, Corrected
3/2/2014 Weather PC, losing time, cmos battery flat, changed
17/4/2013 Weather data loss from 02:56 to 08:00, PC woes
13/10/2012 Anemometer repalced at 12:20, took 2 hours
9/10/2012 Anemometer started working with just the odd short break in data
8/10/2012 Anemometer stopped working around 18:30, no wind speed or direction until replacement arrives.
                 Ordered replacement 9th from SKYVIEW, should be here wednesday 10th.
29/11/2011 Rain bucket not working, removed debris from buckets(11:15), added 1.0 mm of rainfall educated guess
19/8/2011 Weather display live page fixed after adobe flash upgrade
21/2/2011 05:30 to 07:00 PC off getting mains problems, electric on and off, inc low voltage ?, no data lost
2/2/2011 Sorry forecast script problems, fix soon
27/1/2011 Lack of updates to website for 2 hours, BT faulting adsl line. No data lost
26/8/2010 Anemometer replaced at 11:52, break in weather, all wind data working ok.
25/8/2010 Anemometer- readings stuck at 14.3 mph since 23:00, waiting for good weather to replace unit
21/8/2010 NO OR INTERMITTENT WIND SPEED/DIRECTION READINGS Anemometer faulty, ordering replacement Monday, will take a few days
                 to arrive. This one has lasted far longer than the previous 2, update 25/8/10 arrived from Skyview
15/7/2010 Rain bucket not working, removed spider webs and debris, added 2.0 mm of rainfall educated guess
                 of rainfall missed this morning before 10.00.
9/6/2010 Weather data lost from 09:19 to 10:20, Power down, planned cable replacement work by electric company
26/5/2010 Weather Station PC memory upgraded to 1Gb, thanks to Chris at SolSoft
9/5/2010 Weather data lost from 07:21 - 6/5/2010 to 11:26 - 9/5/2010 - hardware failure
6/5/2010 Hardware failure, local weather updates back hopefully Monday 10th May, everything else should work
18/3/2010 Rain gauge not recording rain, my fault plug not pushed in fully after I moved thermo/hydro
                 unit into screen, might of missed recording 0.5mm to 1.0 mm of rainfall today, no measurable rain other days.
12/3/2010 Thermo/hygro transmitter moved into homemade Stevenson screen at 13:30
10/3/2010 Fitted homemade Stevenson screen in place - hopefully move instruments Friday/Saturday
27/2/10 ADSL down from 00:00 to 14:20, no weather data lost
25/1/10 PC crash, data lost from 03:31 to 04:25
25/8/09 PC crash, data lost from 02:36 to 04:10
2/7/09 Power outage, thunderstorm - no data lost, beach cam/streaming down, needs reset
20/4/09 Weather station back online, no data recorded
17/4/09 Power supply gone off line for 4 to 6 days
7/12/08 Back online all data lost between 29/11/08 and 7/12/08
29/11/08 Weather Station offline, no data recorded approx 7 to 12 days
23/11/08 PC crashed, no data lost
21/9/08 Data loss from 00:07 to 07:15 approx, WD locked up on scheduled data backup
2/8/08 Data loss from 00:07 to 07:00 approx, PC crash
1/7/08 Weather station offline (wind only) from 11:10am to 12:15pm, OFL error fix, cable run in earthed copper pipe
26/6/08 Have bought 10mm copper tubing to run Anemometer cable in
26/6/08 Data - wind OFL from 13:55 to 14:20 and 14:40 to 15:00 approx
25/6/08 Anemometer OFL readings again, looking into copper tube, rather than cat 5, screened
6/6/08 TX 20 replaces TX12 anemometer at 11.15am
26/5/08 till late 29/5/08 Data problems please be aware wind data may not be reliable
26/5/08 Anemometer looks to have gone faulty again / or interference, cat 5 required (ordered)
19/5/08 Station been up and running for one year today
12/5/08 WS2300 cabled to sensors now, updates every 8 secs
29/4/08 Some data loss 3am to 7am, wireless communication lost
11/4/08 Data loss 2am to 7am, wireless communication lost
16/3/08 Replacement anemometer fitted data lost from 13:05 to 13:45 approx
              Excellent service from SKYVIEW, no quibble replacement.
14/3/08 WS2300 wind speed reading low or none, direction ok, replacement anemometer ordered
              ring magnet broke up on fan.
8/3/08 PC restart (unknown) approx 3am and corrupted data files for march, restored from
              backup and logger. Data loss from 3.01am to 3.48am.
7/3/08 Garden tidy, sensor catching direct sunlight for a couple of hours in afternoon, fixed
4/8/07 Data Loss 3pm to 4-30pm and 5:15pm to 6.45pm approx
27/7/07 Data Loss 5am to noon approx

General/Website/Hosting/PC Woes

03-12-2024 - Newquayweather is now available on BlueSky - link on side panel
4th - 5th-09-2024 - Internet down again, there is some data loss
14th - 17th-08-2024 - Internet down there is some data loss
22-05-2024 - Updated RNLI scripts and page
26-03-2024 - Temporary cam replacing cam 2 till replacement
28-02-2024 - Updated surf reports page Here
11-11-2023 - Added viewer counts to 2 main webcams
02-07-2023 - Added UK earthquakes rss feed page Here
26-06-2023 - Updated water quality on local beaches Here
23-03-2023 - Changed forecast script from DarkSky to Aeris Weather as Darksky ceases 31st March 2023
21-03-2023 - Tesla live data page added Here
19-01-2023 - Tesla graphs page added Here
15-12-2022 - Newquay Weather is now on Mastodon Here
16-11-2022 - Mains down from approx 12:34 to 13:24, Smart meter fitted, some things like webcams etc down
10/10/2022 - Added Epic page, Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera Here
12/06/2022 - New cam and location for HD Porth Beach following new building blocking view
31/03/2022 - Added live streaming to cam 4
14to18-03-2022 - No data for 4 days, webserver upgrade total mess, back online 10:32 18/03/2022
21/02/2022 Sorry my broadband down from 10:20 to 10:44 approx No weather data lost
27/10/2021 Sorry my broadband down from 01:23 to 12:45 approx
11/06/2021 - Added online visitor counter, most things down
24/05/2021 - Added EV charging Points Map for Cornwall Check me out
08/05/2021 - Updated website HERE
2nd - 4th May 2021 Website down, Hosts issues with a DOS attack / Performance, (Told to ban 4 ip's, 2 from UK, excessive requests)
20/04/2021 - Added Latest UFO's RSS feed HERE
19/03/2021 - Newquayweather Raspberry Shake installed HERE
11/02/2021 - AIS - Comar R400N installed, working on temp antenna, waiting for replacement antenna to arrive
05/02/2021 - AIS - Comar SLR 200N faulty, arranging repair or replacement, antenna faulty
06/10/2020 - Ongoing, Host upgrading PHP, working through non working scripts
02/10/2020 - Added Latest uk induced earthquakes from
06/07/2020 - Added Latest Events- International Nuclear and Radiological from
25/04/2020 - Added Twitter News Feeds page for Western Morning News and Cornwall Live.
20/04/2020 - Added Sun Moon rise and set page for the month.
18/04/2020 - Added Aeris weather forecast.
27/03/2020 - New Webcam and location for Porth Beach HD Cam.
12/03/2020 - Replaced the storm videos flash player.
05/03/2020 - Replaced the flash gallery
25/02/2020 - Added RSS feed for onboard the ISS HERE
20/02/2020 - Remove flash live weather page
28/12/2019 - Added climate stripes page HERE
26/07/2019 - Removed the 2 flash graphs from solarpv page, replaced with canvasjs graphs
31/5/2019 - Added Antarctic sea ice and RSS Feed from NSIDC
26/5/2019 - Added, SSEC 12 Hour to 2 Day Satellite Loops
31/03/2019 - WU forecast back working, dark sky still default
24/11/2018 - Added Dark Sky Forecast, will replace WU forecast
15/11/2018 - Added 3D Printer Cam
25/9/2018 - Updating site to https, some pages may not display with all data or images, working on this.
16/9/2018 - Added Satellites above Horizon at Newquay now page
14/9/2018 - Added weather warnings to audio bulletins
6/9/2018 - Added audio bulletins, Current conditions and solar pv, look for icon. Page redesigned 3/9/2018, todays tides added
9/8/2018 - Added PurpleAir sensor page. Updated RNL Newquay page and added latest shouts twitter feed page
August 2018 - GDPR, Cookie and SSL prep work on website, many pages updated
3/6/2018 - Added number of viewers to beach cam 1
1/6/2018 - Added 2 widgets to airquality page, Saltash and Plymouth.
17/2/2018 - Added Earthquake Seismogram page from Carnmenellis, Cornwall.
12/2/2018 - Added solar radiation Wm2 to dashboard
23/1/2018 - New look to home page
17/1/2018 - Added bathing water quality page for cornwall beaches
7/1/2018 - Added FreshWDL page, live weather using js not flash
18/11/2017 - Added real time earthquakes page
8/11/2017 - Added Air quality Plume prediction page for CERC and Plymouth incinerator
10/10/2017 - Added Yellowstone volcano Page, IRSN RSS feed (radiation) and updated volcano webcam page
8/10/2017 - Added Map of active volcanoes around the world
4/10/2017 - Added 2nd page for ISS live tracking
6/9/2017 - Hurricane and tropical storms Page updated
7/8/2017 - No data recorded, webcams,solar pv, radiation between 10:15 - 15:25, Power off, Western Power planned work
14/6/2017 - Internet down from 02:22 to 06:18, solar and radiation data lost
11/4/2017 - Updated NEO page
12/2/2017 - Added Surf report page, Crantock, Fistral, Tolcarne and watergate
9/7/2016 - SKYCam 207W gone faulty, temp replaced with 206, replaced with M1011 21st July 2016
3/7/2016 - HD Cam, wifi units replaced
29/6/2016 - Following power outage HD cam wifi playing up, 1st July not working now, replacement wifi units ordered
18/6/2016 - Added Search and Rescue Team Land based RSS feed page
27/5/2016 - Added Search and Rescue locations page, see where the 2 SAR helicopters are
22/5/2016 - Added Both Search and Rescue Helicopters locations display home page, working on proper map page
28/4/2016 - Added Search and Rescue location script plus air quality sensors testing
09/4/2016 - Added the Devon & Cornwall Police Twiiter feed
08/01/2016 - Added Solar PV compare page
16/10/2015 - Changed Porth Beach HD 1 cam to 12mm fixed lens
13/8/2015 - Added 3D Interactive Asteroid Space Visualization page
17/7/2015 - Comar SLR200N AIS receiver, back from repair and online
5/7/2015 - Lightening took out the Comar SLR200N, AIS receiver, psu working, no power light on unit, repair to be arranged
12/5/2015 - Added roadworks map from
23/4/2015 - Added RNLI recent launches to home page
22/3/2015 - Added SunCalc page, shows data, position in relation to location etc
21/2/2015 - Updated river levels page
19/2/2015 - Weather Station(WD), Radiation and AIS software moved to new PC (shuttle XS36v4)
17/2/2015 - After poll, paid for streaming service for one HD cam
15/1/2015 - Added Air pollution page
12/1/2015 - Added Air Quality page - Saltash Callington Road
7/12/2014 - Fibre Broadband down from 03:30 to 17:15 approx, no weather data was lost, no solar collected
10/11/2014 - Added freeze data page
19/10/2014 - Added WU forecasts for Newquay Airport, Plymouth and Isles of Scilly
12/10/2014 - Fixed last 24 hours UK Extremes script, left menu bar
11/10/2014 - Fixed rss current Obs
25/9/2014 - Added Daylight Explorer page for any latitude
23/9/2014 - Added Met office pressure charts page
22/8/2014 - Added Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano page
16/8/2014 - Added Tsunami last 30 day warning page
1&5/8/2014 - Added CHBN, The Hub and Pirate 2 DAB to local radio page
24/7/2014 - Added spaceport page and updated UK earthquake page
21/6/2014 - Survey/Poll page added, first is can't see HD Cams, info required
14/6/2014 - Original webcam 1, replaced with HD cam
30/5/2014 - Updated volcano webcam page
26/5/2014 - New look drop down menu for advertisers, will take a few days to do all pages
18/5/2014 - Updated all AIS shipping maps
14/5/2014 - Added Global interactive wind map
14/4/2014 - Webcam 1 HD camera installed
26/3/2014 - Webcam 1 wireless video link going down, may be radio interference
23/3/2014 - Replaced Nordic weather network with European weather network
23/2/2014 - Added reservoir levels page, main 5 reservoirs
9/2/2014 - Added to trends menu an Overview page
2/2/2014 - Added ip power switch output ports status to solar immersion page
31/1/2014 - Added UK ozone ground stations to Ozone page
30/1/2014 - FTTP (Fibre) move completed
27/1/2014 - Over the next few days I will be tranferring to a new IP using FTTP, some disruption possible
24/1/2014 - Added Ozone page
18/1/2014 - Added Buoy/Ship RSS Feed, 150 miles of Sevenstones Lightship
14/1/2014 - Added Met Office forecast and warnings widget page
17/12/2013 - Updated space weather page as MDI images replaced by HMI images
12/12/2013 - Added live feed from ISS, see the earth below
10/12/2013 - Replaced skycam with newer model
4/12/2013 - Update newquay video page, 4 new videos
23/11/2013 - Added Sky live tracking page
3/11/2013 - Added forecast page
30/9/2013 - Update local news pages
27/9/2013 - Added Cruise ship webcam page
21/9/2013 - Added NOAA Image of the day page
15/9/2013 - Updated Jetstream page with forecast
8/9/20133 - Added RNLI news RSS feed for the south west page
9/8/2103 - Added Tropical hurricane/weather rss feed page
6/7/2013 - Added inverter change and reasons why page
29/6/2013 - Immersion heater now powered by solar PV, then the fog rolled in off the sea.
17/6/2013 - Added solar pv to immersion project page
1/6/2013 _ Added US killer tornado page
11/5/2013 - Added 12 more webcams to cornwall webcams page
25/3/2013 - Comar SLR200N (AIS) faulty returned to Comar for repair
19/3/2013 - Added ISS status and news RSS feed page
16/3/2013 - Added Perranporth waverider buoy data page also major update to ISS page, now gives sightings
25/2/2013 - Added yearly comparison graph to solar PV page
29/1/2013 - Added last 24 hour video for all webcams
22/1/2013 - Added weather warnings and record breakers to home page
14/1/2013 - Added astronomy news and pollen forecast
8/1/2013 - Added Climate change RSS news feed page
6/1 2013 - Added european eartquake page and updated world earthquakes page
5/1/2013 - Added the european weather network page
1/1/2013 - Added 2012 solar pv data page
29/12/2012 - Added local radio page
26/12/2012 - Added astronomy calendar and sky week pages
24/12/2012 - Added Sun calculation and world clock to utils menu.
28/11/2012 - Completed adding monitoring stations to the river level page
21/11/2012 - 5 webcams added - Power outages due to storm, no data lost
19/11/2012 - Added North Pole ice cover page.
14/10/2012 - Added north alantic sea temperture page
3/6/2012 - Updated UK earthquake page with with cornwall earthquakes and geology maps
30/5/2012 - Added extra metars to metar page, inc Channel Is and 3 French
29/5/2012 - Export meter data added to a solar pv graph
20/5/2012 - Added newquay on video page featuring torch handover
27/4/2012 Added Solar radiation and photovoltaic electricity potential - UK map
23/4/2012 Added sun and moon position graph to astromony and solar pv pages
15/4/2012 Added data only solarpv page, ideal for mobile
11/3/2012 Solar PV page updated, graphing added
22/2/2012 Added past generation graphs to solar PV page
4/2/2012 Solar panels installed, working on script to upload data
8/1/2012 Updated the Buoys page
6/1/2012 Added two new storm videos, including the blow hole
28/12/2011 Updated jetstream page, now using Digital Atmosphere to produce charts
17/12/2011 Added 2nd page of Metar stations
16/12/2011 Redesigned storm video page using video lightbox, knots added to metar page (requested)
14/12/2011 Added new storm approaching video
13/12/2011 Added Up and coming NEO's to NEO page
4/12/2011 Added NEO Page (Near Earth Objects)
28/11/2011 Added nearby metar staion reports page
19/9/2011 Added status page of website
13/9/2011 Added stormy seas video page and gallery updated
21/8/2011 Live weather data page layout changed and improved, graphs, webcams added etc
19/8/2011 Weather display live page fixed after adobe flash upgrade
15/7/2011 Added Radiation readings to twitter, 15 min upload
30/7/2011 Added Jet Stream page, chart and facts
25/7/2011 Added 10 webcams added to cornwall cams page
20/7/2011 Added Reef film productions, promoting Newquay
21/5/2011 Added local radiation page, testing GM-10 geiger counter
21/5/2011 Added live road traffic reports
3/5/2011 UKHO licence renewed for another year
26/4/2011 Changed the smartphone page to mini dashboard type
14/4/2011 Added Android and iphone pages + QR image for readers
18/3/2011 Added a trial radiation Page
11/3/2011 Added page with magnitude 8 or greater earthquakes since 1900
22/2/2011 Added extra satellite imagery, UK and Europe
11/2/2011 Police crime map link added
2/2/2011 Sorry forecast script problems, fix soon
18/1/2011 Current cost meter now monitors all 3 phases.
16/1/2011 Current Cost Meter data added, graphs page, plus current data on home page.
1/1/2011 Data uplink fallback to 3G via 3 mobile and Huawei dongle, now implemented.
30/12/2010 Weather station data uplink status added, 3G fallback not implemented yet
28/12/2010 BP oil spill cam pages removed
23/12/2010 Major issues with new ISP eclipse and webhost re webcams
21/12/2010 ISP change from ukonline to eclipse
5/12/2010 UK extremes records page updated to include various regions around the world and AIS updated
24/11/2010 Added UK extremes records page for temp and rain, last 24 hours.
22/11/2010 Gallery replaced by a flash gallery, new photo's added
18/11/2010 Added donation and advertising buttons to dashboard
14/11/2010 Changes to dashboard - temperture layout
23/10/2010 Added live aircraft tracking
18/10/2010 Last few days, re-designed sunspot page, more graphs added etc.
1/10/2010 Updated sunspot page, re-designed and more images
29/9/2010 Added uk extremes to menu bar, shows Hi/lo temp, preciptation and sunniest.
25/9/2010 Added 2nd various satellite tracking page, includes visible passes
21/9/2010 Added 2 pages, 2nd sky at night/conditions page and selected videos from
18/9/2010 From 00:20 to 07:00 no data/webcams/ais, adsl router locked up- reset, no weather data lost
15/9/2010 Added Year Av to date difference in rain to main page rain section
6/9/2010 Newquay weather now on twitter
26/8/2010 Anemometer replaced at 11:52, break in weather, all wind speed/direction working ok now.
25/8/2010 Anemometer stuck on 14.3 mph since 23:00, waiting good weather to replace unit
21/8/2010 NO WIND SPEED/DIRECTION READINGS Anemometer faulty, stuck at 3.6 mph
18/7/2010 Added Global Station Map of Affiliated Weather Networks
24/6/2010 Added Temperature and Rain Trends since May 2007
13/6/2010 Added night sky map
5/6/2010 Added 2nd BP ROV feed plus AIS shipping on spill site
4/6/2010 Added link to Environment Agency, Newquay bathing water quality
29/5/2010 Temporarily added the live feed from the BP ROV on the seabed at the oil spill site.
28/5/2010 ESA/Hubble/SOHO RSS feeds added
27/5/2010 Major extension of Astronical pages, JPL/NASA Various RSS feed pages added
22/5/2010 Display the record high & low temps, daily rain, mtd rain, and ytd rain for each day of the year from
                May 2007 page added, plus air quality from Saltash roadside page
13/5/2010 Added skycam time lapse video
11/5/2010 Added volcanic weekly activity page, plus 2 links on the EYJAFJALLAJOKULL volcano (southern Iceland)ash cloud
9/5/2010 Back online.
6/5/2010 Hardware failure, weather data data lost till 9/5/2010
29/4/2010 UKHO licence renewed for another year
14/4/2010 Sky usb webcam replaced with ip cam, live streaming added
24/3/2010 Live updating back online, host has fixed, no data lost
23/3/2010 Live updates, appears its caused by a new security feature in c-panel on my host, waiting more from host,
                updating every 15 mins, no 8 sec live updates for now, no loss of data
22/3/2010 22:00 Live data ftp upload failing, host investigating
20/3/2010 Snow daily and yearly report pages added
13/3/2010 Earthquake facts and local news page added
9/3/2010 Advertising gone live, to help support site
5/3/2010 Kitesurfing page added
27/2/2010 ADSL (sky) down from 00:00 to 14:20, major fault local exchange, no weather data lost,
                Tsunami 5 Warning Pages added, plus info page and Home page new layout
26/2/2010 Beach Cam 3 now online
22/2/2010 Help support this site by advertising, page added
18/2/2010 Added expermental page of AIS raw data from comar 200N.
17/2/2010 Changes to the layout (footer) on all pages, much clearer now.
8/2/2010 Web cam 2 back online / Updated radar page / Volcano, alerts and activity page added.
6/2/2010 Added volcano/webcam pages, Hawaii, Mt Redoubt and St Helens
5/2/2010 Upgraded wireless link for webcam 1
4/2/2010 Webcam 2 offline - back soon
31/1/2010 Added yearly summary's for rain, temperture and wind, started cornwall webcam map, menu layout changes
29/1/2010 Updated webcam local page, more webcams added, now has clickable map
28/1/2010 Web server upgrade - Printable forecast flyer page added - Beach cam 2 added to home page.
26/1/2010 New flash fusion graphics page added
24/1/2010 Started work on flyout menu, old menu getting to big.
22-23/1/2010 Beach cam 2 - Snaps page added, click for large image and cam 2 added to mobi site.
17/1/2010 Webcam 2 added, covering beach carpark and beyond by kind permission of Porth Sands
15/1/2010 Changes to temperture history page.
8/1/2010 Time lapse all day video page added, layout changed 12/1/2010
7/1/10 Daily detailed wind history added.
28/12/09 Daily detailed temperture history added.
27/12/09 Minor changes to menu bar layout and colour.
2/12/09 Added european map to uk earthquakes page.
28/11/09 Added solar eclipses for 2010 to astromny page.
16/11/09 Games page added.
9/11/09 Major meteor showers and NEO's page added.
5/11/09 USGS map added to world earthquake page.
20/10/09 Space weather page added
16/10/09 Sunspots page added
13/10/09 UV Forecast page added
1/10/09 October's tide page error, corrected by 11am, according to server log just 1 vistor to page
prior to correction, 1 day and 7 day tides unaffected.
28/9/09 Beach cam angle moved up, sun moved back round.
21/9/09 Added banner image rotate, 2 different banners at the moment.
15/9/09 World Earthquakes page added to site.
4/9/09 Hurricane and tropical storm page added.
1/9/09 Fixed display on home page displaying tide times (re long month name), first sunspots, script working ok.
20/8/09 Downtime due to host server upgrade (10am to 12pm), no data lost
29//7/09 now available for on the move weather
22/7/09 Yesterday sun spot total added from NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
19/7/09 Astronomy Page updated to include SOHO images, radio propagation
18/7/09 Comar AIS receiver online
17/7/09 Newquayweather's very own Comar SLR200N online testing, re local shipping movements
6/7/09 RNLI links and EasyTides links for cornish locations added
24/6/09 AIS shipping movements Courtesy of added.
11/6/09 Second PC legs in the air job, thanks to Chris at SolSoft, getting it up and running.
24/5/09 Cloud height graphic added to home page
22/5/09 Home page updated with more information displayed. (work in progress)
15/5/09 Weather facts and definitions added.
7/5/09 UKHO licence renewed for another year
20/4/09 Weather station back online, no data recorded
17/4/09 No Weather data from ws2300 - PSU, 4 to 6 days
5/4/09 Beach cam now angled down, direct sun into lens
4/4/09 Replaced beach webcam video feed receiver, image improved
30/3/09 Temporary loss of host services, twice today, sorted
15/3/09 Detailed rain report added
23/2/09 Live beach cam refresh 15 secs added to mobile pages
21-22/2/09 My host upgraded server, File system error causing loss of site
                   from 14:43 to 05:15 GMT, no data loss, all ok now
20/2/09 Rain Radar/UK Earthquakes added to Wap Mobile.
16/2/09 Forecast added to Wap Mobile, Mobile Tides increase to 5 days
5/2/09 High, low and averages page added
4/2/09 Snow graph added
1/2/09 Webcam Server changes and month tide table added
17/1/09 Month,Year and All Time records pages added
15/1/09 Surfing events for 2009 updated
14/1/09 Forecast script updated
8/1/09 Weather records broken today - notification page
27/12/08 Testing - Beach cam 2 Full size image added, updated every 15 secs 24/7
7/12/08 All back online
29/11/08 Weather Station offline, data lost, webcams and streaming offline for approx 7 to 12 days as well
17/11/08 Site down 17:30 to 18:00 GMT, host upgrading MySQL version, no data loss
9/11/08 Video servers snapshots archive added
28/10/08 Kramer video distributor installed, improved webcam image/stream
26/9/08 Video link from beach cam upgraded
22/9/08 Video server testing
20/9/08 Cam angled up, improved beach view, work on going on 24/7 video server
18/9/08 Video server installation and testing over next few days, interruptions to streaming likely
16/8/08 Added other local cams page
12/8/08 ADSL upgraded for faster streaming
29/7/08 Added Satellite imagery page, redesigned Surf events page
27/7/08 Streaming - changed offline image to daytime captured image
20/7/08 Streaming / beach cam down for 1hr 30 mins, RCB tripped
12/7/08 Added Uk Shipping forcast and help/donation links
4/7/08 Pinnacle Capture card fitted, improved streaming image
12/6/08 Testing Streaming with beach cam, daytime only
29/5/08 Added Auroara Activity - Northern Hemisphere to astronomy page
27/5/08 Added Solar X-rays / Geomagnetic Field to astronomy page
22/5/08 Beach webcam up - testing and adjusting
18/5/08 Headland Hotel, kindly donated a webcam for beach view, coming soon
13/5/08 Permission and Licence granted - Tide Page online, graph for today + 6 days tides
12/5/08 Applied for permission to display tide times from UKHO / Bellfield Software
10/5/08 New, Pond Cam online plus compare page, yesterday to last year graphs
7/5/08 Added print feature to months tide table page
5/5/08 New tide page and script, gives day tide graph and current month tides table
1/5/08 Added extra graphs page
20/4/08 Added photo banner top of page, world day/night map and surfing contest page
19/4/08 Corrected minor issues with monthly data display
13/4/08 Added Contact and Logo pages to site
9/4/08 Installed USB 2 PCI card for new SweeX webcam, webcam now on same PC again
7/4/08 Replacement Sweex webcam fitted
6/4/08 site transfered to
1/4/08 Obtained domain, currently re-directed to existing site
25/3/08 Sweex Webcam failure, using lower resolution cam till replacement arrives
20/3/08 My website host had server issues approx 5 hrs, no data lost
16/3/08 Weatherbonk page added, showing Cornwall and UK.
15/3/08 Theme and style switcher options added plus Data by monthly page and log updated.
12/3/08 Working on Newquay tides page
11/3/08 UK Earthquake and new mobile page added
8/3/08 GuestBook, new gallery script and RSS/Wap Pages added.
7/3/08 This station log page added
2/3/08 Site converted to php, thanks ken
29/2/08 Change went without a hitch, no data lost.
29/2/08 Changing ISP there may be no updates between 8am and 10pm, no data will be lost.
27/2/08 Added Station log page
25/2/08 Added Buoy page
18/5/07 Station up and running

Things to do

Add one wire lightening detector
Acquire UV solar sensor