newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated25/03/2025 22:45 

Porth Beach TimeLapse Player

Recording starts at sunrise -1 hour and ends at sunset +1 hour, first available timelapse video is uploaded at 08:01 then updated every hour to 22:01
[ The last 12 days timelapse video's will be available to view, older ones will be deleted ]

Watch a timelapse video - Last on the horizontal slide menu

  • Pole removed 26/2/2021
  • Cables being removed from the pole 3/2/2021
  • Demolition of the old nursing home.

  • 18-01-2021
    Work in progress, may be some bugs.

    To Do List
    Done all

    Fixed issue with "now playing" - 15-02-2021
    Changed gap between thumbnails - 06-02-2021 - Note issue with "now playing"
    Added running time of timelapse video to thumbnail - 06-02-2021
    Allow downloading of timelapse video's - 03-02-2021
    Changed HTML5 Video Player to allow downloading video - 30-01-2021
    Auto adjust recording period for sunrise/sunset - 27-01-2021
    Auto delete 13 day old timelapse recordings - 26-01-2021
    Auto generate mp4 timelapse video's using ffmpeg - 21-01-2021
    Auto generate playlist   -  20-01-2021
    Move to hourly updates - 19-01-2021