newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated25/03/2025 23:00 

Solar PV Generation - Live Performance Data

17-01-2023 - Tesla Powerwall2 installed
12-01-2023 Offline till 11:00 as string 2 solar panels being replaced with 5 Trina Vertex S panels
Week begining 16-01-2023 Tesla Power Wall to be installed

Newquay Weather - Solar PV Generation
Sky Cam
SkyCam - North
Power One 3.6 PVI OUTD
Inverter Status - OFFLINE
25 March 2025 Sunrise : 06:09 Sunset : 18:42
Max Daylight Hours : 12:30 hours 11 To listen, click
speaker icon top left
Inverter Data : Updated Every 2 Minutes
1 - Week starts Sunday
2 - install date 4/2/2012
3 - Slight difference of 40 W
4 - UK Model (G83)
5 - For other codes see manual
6 - Data entered manually, inverter data
7 - Efficiency, power out / string total %
8 - GMT all year
9 - Alarms Checked 0900,1200,1500,1800
    Reset after check
10 - C02 conversion factor is
     0.542 kg CO2 saved per kWh
11 - Time between sunrise and sunset
12 - Davis VP2 solar sensor
     from 8/2/2018
13 - Immersion heater - Solar pv
Last Update 25-03-2025 18:34 String 1 0 W Grid Voltage 242.9 V
Generation Start Time 25-03-2025 06:18   150 V Av Grid Voltage 242.7 V
Generation Stop Time 25-03-2025 18:06   0.0 A Grid Current 0.1 A
Energy Today inverter data 10.364 kWh String 2 0 W Grid Freq 50.1 Hz
Energy Week 1 21.504 kWh   177 V Peak Power Today 3623 W
Energy Month 318.465 kWh   0.0 A Peak Power Ever 4 3627 W
Energy year 2 693.951 kWh Total 0 W Internal Temp 26.5 C
Energy lifeTime 3 55347.645 kWh Power Out 0 W Isolation Resistance 20.00 MΩ
Min Day Energy 6 10/12/2016 - 27 W Efficiency 7 - % Dc/Dc Current Leak 0 mA
Max Day Energy 6 8/6/2015 - 28.9 kW     Inverter Current Leak 0 mA
Solar Radiation 12 25-3-2025 23:08 0 W/m2   Inverter Time 8 19:33 BST
Immersion Heater 13 [148] 25-03-2025 12:24 OFF     CO2 Saved Year10 376 kg
Alarm Code 5 No Alarm     CO2 LifeTime10 29998 kg
Last 4 Alarms Codes 9 Last check 1800 0 0 0 0
Last Alarm Code 24-03-2025 06:26, 11 Bulk UV
Note : Whilst inverter self testing it may return false data

Alarm codes in pop up window Here Some alarm codes shown only on Aurora display panel.

Solar Graphs available from 12th February 2012.

Default todays graph if available

Latest -
21-02-2025 - String 1 down , low Riso

17-01-2023 - Tesla Wall fitting, interruptions to mains so no generation for some of the day
12-01-2023 - Offline till 11:00 as string 2 solar panels being replaced with 5 Trina Vertex S panels.
16-11-2022 - Down from approx 12:34 to 13:24, Smart meter fitted
14/18-03-2022 - No solar pv data for 4 days, webserver upgrade total mess, back online 10:32 18/03/2022
12-3-2022 - String 2 (SunTech) Ground fault, 0.56 MOhm, switched off temporary
2-3-2022 - String 1 (LG) tripping mains out, switched off temporary
5-3-2020 - String 1 (LG) ground fault, 0.54 MOhm, back online 10:24
5-3-2019 - Western Power doing work on low voltage lines, power off, no solar generation from 10:00 to 15:45
23-3-2018 - Added year comparison graph
18-3-2018 - Snow covered panels from 14:58, no output, no output till 16:34, then stopped at 16;48 again
13-2-2018 - Added W/m2 to todays graph
8-2-2018 - Davis VP2 solar radiation sensor added
12-1-2018 - WS2300 Weather station changed to Davis VP2 Pro, which isn't affected by leakage
22-12-2017 - String 2 causing gust spikes on weather station when leakage 0ver 6mA, turned off when bad
2-11-2017 - Fault Found on string 1, connector termination fault
23-10-2017 - 2-11-2017 Ongoing - String 1, faulty, off line alot , ground fault, less than 1 MOhm
21-9-2017 - New LG panels, string 1 ground fault, 0.2 MOhm, Online 11:42
17-8-2017 - String 1 ground fault, 0.48 MOhm, Online 08:58
26-7-2017 - New LG String 1, ground fault 1.11 MOhm, string 2, 20 MOhm. Online 08:44
now string 1, 2.55 MOhm
5-4-2017 - 08:42 to 11:06 string 1, 8 SunTech panels replaced with 7 LG panels
28-2-2017 - Installers faulting string 1, found 2 faulty panels, others have low readings
Only 6 panels connected string 1
12-1-2017 - Installers Faulting, Inverter OK, panel checking tomorrow
20-11-2016 - PAY BACK approx 09:30 took 4 years 9 months 17 days
13-9-2016 - String 1, faulty low Riso all day 0.62 MOhm
4-7/9/2016 - String 1, faulty, Risco below 1 mohm, wet, back online when drier in day
12/8/2016 - Cornwall Solar on site, faulting string 1 panels
2/8/2016 - Rain for hours, string 1 Riso 0.39 mOhm, switched off
19-22/2/2016 - String 1 still faulty when wet, string 2 fixed
18/2/2016 - Engineers onsite, faulting, fault loose connection in inverter
13/2/2016 - Ground fault, both strings, inverter switched off
4/1/2016 - Cornwall Solar - String One faulty, 1 mOhm, 20 mA, disconnected, waiting for
        date to replace connectors on roof
3/1/2016 10:30 Back on, Risco and leakage within limits
2/1/2015 08:30 Inverter tripping fuse box, low Risco and leakage, switched off
22/12/2015 - Tripped Fusebox - Cornwall solar rang to book visit, 12mA leakage, reset OK
24/7/2015 - Inverter offline, low riscoe alarm 0.57 Mohm, cleared 08:46
30/1/2015 - Added monthly total and daily average to month graph

Solar PV Log Full list

Todays PV output

Select a monthly Solar PV graph

Month and Year graph now updated every 2 minutes

2025 Data Graph, updated end of day

Hover mouse over for data

Comparing Years

Yearly Comparison Graph - Scroll / Hover mouse over for data - live data from 4th Feb 2012

NOTE: 2012 From Feb 4th Installtion Completion and 2016 / 2017 - Some days only one string

Shading of photovoltaic panels is one of the most significant causes of losses in a pv system. In fact, the shading of 10% of the area of a system could cause a loss of 50%. This disproportionate effect is caused by string design. If there is one shaded panel in the string, the whole string underperforms.

4Kw System consists at installation of:-

Panels: 16 Suntech STP250S (250 watts)
Inverter: Power One PVI3.6 OUTD
Roof Angle: 32°
Direction: -30° (30 east of south)
Shading: Palm tress, removed
Partial shading winter, string 2

System Live: 4th February 2012, approx 2pm

Update 5th April 2017
Panels : 8 Faulty SunTech panels (string 1)
replaced with 7 LG285S1C-L4 panels.

Update 12th January 2023
Panels : 8 Failing SunTech panels (string 2)
replaced with 5 Trina Vertex S panels.

PVI3.6 Inverter mounted in garage.
pv panel
Suntech STP250S
The HF5111B Ethernet to Serial converter Update 17th Dec 2020
The eNet-232 getting intermittent errors, changed for a HF5111B

The Aurora Power One 3.6 OUTD inverter has a usb port and more importantly a RS485, we need network access for the php scripts on the server so we need an RS 485 to ethernet converter. The HF5111B (got it from ebay, China) has a two serial ports, one RS232 and the other can be a RS232/422/485 RS485 port. We need the RS 485 option, easy to set up, 2 wires to strip block in inverter to HF5111B strip block wired straight, T-, T+

The HF5111B Ethernet to Serial converter.

Note 1
Solar irradiance is the sun's radiant power (W/m2). Watts per square meter where the square meter is horizontal, i.e., flat on the ground. A square meter ray of energy comming from the sum will cover approximately one square meter on the earths surface when the sun is directly overhead. However early in the morning and in the evening it hits the ground at an angle and therefore each square meter of earth will be recieving less energy and the reading will be lower.

Naked Solar - Formerly Cornwall Solar Panels

I highly recommend them, planned and fitted with first class service from a local company.

Give them a call and please mention Newquay Weather.
cornwall solar panels

There are few software solutions to gaining access to the inverter data, all require the use of a pc. The inverter comes with Aurora Communnicator CD pdf manual, there is also Aurora Monitor, a Java application, Aurora Monitor and a command-line program for Linux Aurora

My aim was to write php scripts to run on the server, which will do away with the need for a home pc, the script is called by a cron job every 2 mins, generate the data as seen below and also produce graphs. See the eNet-232 Ethernet to Serial converter section below for more information.

5-4-2017 - 8 Suntech panels string 1, being replaced with 7 LG panels from 08:42 to 11:06
20-11-2016 - PAY BACK approx 09:30 took 4 years 9 months 17 days, based on FIT payments only