newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated25/03/2025 23:00 

Solar PV Log

Solar Setup, Script, changes and progress, other:
17-01-2023 - Tesla Wall fitting, interruptions to mains so no generation for some of the day
12-01-2023 -Offline till 11:00 as string 2 solar panels being replaced with 5 Trina Vertex S panels
14/18-03-2022 - No solar pv data for 4 days, webserver upgrade total mess, back online 10:32 18/03/2022
12-3-2022 - String 2 (SunTech) Ground fault, 0.56 MOhm, switched off temporary
2-3-2022 - String 1 (LG) tripping mains out, switched off temporary
5-3-2020 - String 1 (Sun Tech) ground fault, 0.54 MOhm, back onlie 10:24
5-3-2019 - Western Power doing work on low voltage lines, power off, no solar generation from 10:00 to 15:45.
23-3-2018 - Added year comparison graph.
18-3-2018 - Snow covered panels from 14:58, no output till 16:34, then stopped at 16;48 again.
13-2-2018 - Added W/m2 to todays graph
8-2-2018 - Davis VP2 solar radiation sensor added
22-12-2017 - String 2 causing gust spikes on weather station when leakage 0ver 6mA, turned off when bad
2-11-2017 - Fault Found on string 1, connector termination fault
23-10-2017 - 2-11-2017 - String faulty, off line, ground fault, less than 1 MOhm
22-9-2017 - New LG panels, string 1 ground fault, 1.56 MOhm, Online 08:50
21-9-2017 - New LG panels, string 1 ground fault, 0.2 MOhm, Online 11:42
17-8-2017 - String 1 ground fault, 0.48 MOhm, Online 08:58
26-7-2017 - New LG String 1, ground fault 1.11 MOhm, string 2 - 20 MOhm. Online 08:44, string 1 now 2.55 MOhm
5-4-2017 - 08:42 to 11:06 string 1, 8 SunTech panels replaced with 7 LG285S1C-L4 panels
28-2-2017 - Installers faulting string 1, found 2 faulty panels, others have low readings
Only 6 panels connected string 1
12-1-2017 - Installers Faulting, Inverter OK, panel checking tomorrow
20-11-2016 - PAY BACK approx 09:30 took 4 years 9 months 17 days
13-9-2016 - String 1, faulty low Riso all day 0.62 MOhm
4-7/9/2016 - String 1, faulty, Risco below 1 Mohm, wet, back online when drier in day
12/8/2016 - Cornwall Solar on site today, faulting string 1 panels
2/8/2016 - Rain for hours, string 1 Riso 0.39 mOhm, switched off
18/2/2016 - Engineers onsite, faulting panels. Fault loose connection in inverter
17/2/2016 - Ground fault, both strings, inverter switched off, back on later in day
13/2/2016 - Ground fault, both strings, inverter switched off, back on later in day
10/2/2016 - Cornwall Solar on site to repair faulty string, unit will be offline*** Still faulty
8/1/2016 - Added Solar Pv compare graphs, yesterday + year ago
4/1/2016 - Cornwall Solar - String One faulty, 1 mOhm, 20 mA, disconnected, waiting for date to replace all connectors on roof
3/1/2016 - 10:30 Back on, Risco and leakage within limits
2/1/2016 - 08:30 Inverter tripping fuse box, low Risco and leakage, switched off
1/1/2014 - 2014 Generation data. Total generation meter 4290.5 kwh
22/12/2015 - Tripped Fusebox - [08:48 to 10:16] Cornwall solar rang to book visit, 12 mA leakage, reset OK
24/7/2015 - Inverter offline, Low riscoe alarm 0.57 Mohm, cleared 08:46
7/12/2014 - Fibre broadband down no solar data collected
15/7/2014 - Reached 50% return on installation cost, not including lower bills, FIT payments only in 2 years 5 months 12 days
30/6/2014 - June 2014 New month record of 646.436 kwh, beating last july's 618 kwh (inverter data)
3/2/2014 - 2 years generation total (meter) 8037 kwh, 38% return
1/1/2013 - 2013 Generation data. Total generation meter 4120.7 kwh
12/12/2013 - New low generation of 177 w for day
27/11/2013 - New low generation of 332 w for day
31/7/2013 - New month generation record of 618 kwh (inverter data) meter 609.8 kwh
6/7/2013 - Added inverter change and reasons why page
4/7/2013 - Inverter replaced, chip with data on from old unit swapped over, issues with this had to adjust in script
29/6/2013 - Immersion heater now using solar pv
31/5/2013 - New month peak 576 kwh, beat last years monthly May high of 552 (inverter data)
26/5/2013 - New Max peak (generation meter)of 28.2 kwh, beating same day last year of 28.0.
Today also made 25% return
25/5/2013 - Matched the max energy generated 28 kwh of May 26th 2012
6/5/2013 - Energy generated for year and month (May) corrupted / lost on inverter, managed to get data from backup and add to inverter data
31/3/2013 - Mains Failure from 11:36 to 12:46
25/2/2013 - Added yearly comparison graph
20/1/2013 - Added CO2 saved since 4/2/2012 to data table
1/1/2013 - New Page for 2012 Solar Data
10/12/2012 - Added inverter state, dc/dc current leak and average grid voltage to the data table
9/12/2012 - Fixed the graph error for no data before generation starts
8/12/2012 - String 2 lower output, pruned palm trees, sun lower in sky
7/12/2012 - Moved script changes/ solar pv log to this page page
26/11/2012 - Fixed error in Ileak code
19/11/2012 - Set UV protect time on inverter to 1 hour
8/11/2012 - Added alarm codes pop up
7/11/2012 - Fixed last 4 alarm check
4/10/2012 - Added issues with power one inverter paragraph
27/8/2012 - Rearranged data table and added current leak
15/8/2012 - RISO Reading 1.7 MOhm, called cornwall solar power, arrived within the hour, heavy rain earlier, no clear answer.
23/6/2012 - Added max daylight hours to panel
29/5/2012 - Added export meter data to graph, updated end of day
28/4/2012 - Fixed division by zero errors and power FP sorted (hopefully)
2/5/2012 - Trying out new graph package
27/4/2012 - Added CO2 saved conversion factor of 0.542 kg CO2 saved per kWh
27/4/2012 - Added fudge factor to avoid early close down
22/4/2012 - Automated graph for month/year, year month text totals to do
20/4/2012 - Added email of alarms
17/4/2012 - Added Inverter time, GMT all year
16/4/2012 - Sorted temperture bug out, just power now
15/4/2012 - Added solar data only page, ideal for mobile
14/4/2012 - Fixed current (amps) floating point issues, just watts/temperture now. Added skycam to panel and year graph
1/4/2012 - Addedd monthly graph selection
28/3/2012 - Added month graph and calendar for past graphs, redesign of data table, no progress on floating point errors.
11/3/2012 - Graphing added, Issues still with floating point conversion, low values give rubbish so data not always correct. Cron job now to update data every 2 minutes. Some data is entered manually and might not be current. Still a few bugs, floating point conversion, error checking, alarms still to do. Date picker for past graphs, list goes on
11th Mar - Graphs now from data from script, Aurora Monitor not used now for graph.
3rd Mar - Progress made, some is now displayed, floating point issues with some data.
23rd Feb - Making progress with script, displays state of inverter, updated every 5 mins.
22nd Feb - Have added graphs from the 12th Feb, now started work on live data script.
21st Feb - At 10:15 this morning from the generation meter, knocked up 100 Kwh
19th Feb - Seems the new RS485 Converter may be faulty, loses the LAN connection occasionally.
15th Feb - Bought a new RS485 converter, hooked it up and working, down to scripting now.
12th Feb - Todays graph added. very much a work in progress
9th Feb - Cannot get sollae convertor to work with the inverter, must be faulty.
7th Feb - Can't get the sollae converter talking to the inverter.
6th Feb - Run comms cable under bungalow to inverter, as the inverter is solar powered, can't test till morning.
4th Feb - Finished, raining all day
Installation date 3rd and 4th February 2012, 4Kw system