newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated25/03/2025 23:15 

A selection of video's showing Newquay and surrounding areas.

Tony Haven - Lap Tapping Acoustic Guitar
Beach Sweet Home - Filmed at Fistral Beach

Tony Haven Website

Ben Skinner and Ben Granata Surfing The Cribbar, Newquay.

The Cribbar 30 foot waves! Big Wave Surfing in Newquay 30th Oct 2011

Dive Newquay - 2013

Dive Newquay Website

Updated with the new videos above - 4/12/2013

Older Newquay on Videos

The videos are LARGE and depending on your connection will take awhile to load and play.

19-5-2012Olympic Torch Handover - 19/5/2012
Narrowcliff, Newquay, size 8mb
If you have any interesting video's of Newquay and would like to showcase them here, please email me