newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated22/02/2025 07:30 

Nearby METAR Reports From

Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station
EGHQ Newquay     EGDR Culdrose (navy)     EGDX ST Athan raf     EGDY Yeovitilton (navy)     EGFF Cardiff
EGHH Bournemouth     EGBB Birmingham     EGKA Shoreham-By-Sea     EGOP Pembry Sands     EGTE Exeter Airport
EGGD Bristol     EGHE Scilly     EGJA Alderney     EGJB Guernsey     EGJJ Jersey
France       LFRC Cherbourg/Mauper     LFRB Brest/Guipavas     LFRO Lannion/Servel        
More Metars Here                                
EGHQ - Newquay, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 2mi, 4km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 9 mph , 15 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 5°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2025/02/22 07:20 EGHQ 220720Z 22008KT CAVOK 08/08 Q1010
EGDR - Culdrose (navy), United Kingdom
Distance from station: SSW 25mi, 40km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mist, Clear
Mist, Clear
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 10 mph , 17 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Summary: Mist
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 3 miles , 5 km
2025/02/22 07:20 EGDR 220720Z AUTO 23009KT 5000 BR NCD 09/09 Q1010
EGHC - Lands End, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SW 29mi, 47km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mist, Partly cloudy
Mist, Partly cloudy
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 9 mph , 15 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Summary: Mist
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 3 miles , 5 km
2025/02/22 07:20 EGHC 220720Z 23008KT 5000 BR NSC 09/09 Q1010
EGHE - Scilly Saint Mar, United Kingdom
Distance from station: WSW 65mi, 104km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from WSW
Wind: WSW 14 mph , 22 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 88%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 305 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGHE 220720Z 24012KT 9999 FEW010CB 10/08 Q1010
EGTE - Exeter Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 75mi, 120km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20

 Wind from ENE
Wind: ENE 1 mph , 2 km/h
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/02/22 07:20 EGTE 220720Z 06001KT 9999 0900 R26/1500 PRFG FEW010 04/03 Q1010
EGOP - Pembry Sands, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NNE 94mi, 152km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 15 mph , 24 km/h
Summary: Mist
2025/02/22 07:20 EGOP 220720Z AUTO 22013KT //// BR ///////// ///// Q////
EGDX - St Athan Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 98mi, 157km
Updated: 01/04/2019 12:50
NOT Current
 Wind from E
Wind: E 9 mph , 15 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 67%
Barometer: 1019 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2019/04/01 12:50 EGDX 011250Z AUTO 10008KT 9999 NCD 11/05 Q1019
EGFF - Cardiff-Wales Ar, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 100mi, 160km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from W
Wind: W 7 mph , 11 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 823 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGFF 220720Z AUTO 26006KT 9999 FEW027 08/07 Q1009
EGDY - Yeovilton (navy), United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 114mi, 183km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mist, Partly cloudy
Mist, Partly cloudy
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 7 mph , 11 km/h
Temperature: 7°C
Wind Chill: 5°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Summary: Mist
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles , 9 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 5791 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGDY 220720Z AUTO 21006KT 9000 BR SCT190/// 07/06 Q1009
EGGD - Bristol/Lulsgate, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 121mi, 195km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
 Wind from SW
Wind: SW 6 mph , 9 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 7°C
Humidity: 93%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
Cloud details: Mostly Cloudy 396 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGGD 220720Z AUTO 23005KT 9999 BKN013 08/07 Q1009
EGBB - Birmingham Airpo, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 200mi, 323km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
 Wind from SSW
Wind: SSW 3 mph , 6 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1008 hPa
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 4 miles , 6 km
Cloud details: Mostly Cloudy 152 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGBB 220720Z 21003KT 170V240 6000 BKN005 08/08 Q1008
EGHH - Bournemouth Airp, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 143mi, 231km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from WSW
Wind: WSW 3 mph , 6 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1010 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 5 miles , 8 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 305 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGHH 220720Z 25003KT 8000 FEW010 09/08 Q1010
EGKA - Shoreham-By-Sea, United Kingdom
Distance from station: E 210mi, 338km
Updated: 21/02/2025 17:50
NOT Current
Light rain, Partly cloudy
Light rain, Partly cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 14 mph , 22 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 88%
Barometer: 1009 hPa
Summary: Light Rain
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles , 9 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 1463 m
2025/02/21 17:50 EGKA 211750Z 17012KT 9000 -RA SCT048 11/09 Q1009
EGJA - Alderney/Channel, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 135mi, 218km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from W
Wind: W 8 mph , 13 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 8°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 61 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGJA 220720Z 27007KT 9999 FEW002 10/10 Q1011
EGJB - Guernsey Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 129mi, 208km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 13 mph , 20 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 4 miles , 6 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 61 m
Partly Cloudy 91 m
Mostly Cloudy 488 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGJB 220720Z 27011KT 6000 FEW002 SCT003 BKN016 10/10 Q1011
EGJJ - Jersey Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 152mi, 244km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:20
Fog, Mostly cloudy
Fog, Mostly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 8 mph , 13 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Summary: Fog
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 0 mile , 1 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 0 m
Mostly Cloudy 30 m
2025/02/22 07:20 EGJJ 220720Z 27007KT 0500 R26/0750N FG FEW000 BKN001 09/09 Q1011
LFRC - Cherbourg/Mauper, France
Distance from station: - 0mi, 0km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:30
 Wind from W
Wind: W 9 mph , 15 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 8°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 4 miles , 7 km
Cloud details: Overcast 183 m
2025/02/22 07:30 LFRC 220730Z AUTO 27008KT 7000 OVC006 10/09 Q1011 NOSIG
LFRB - Brest/Guipavas, France
Distance from station: SSE 139mi, 224km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:30

 Wind from WSW
Wind: WSW 6 mph , 9 km/h
Visibility: 5 miles , 8 km
2025/02/22 07:30 LFRB 220730Z AUTO 24005KT 8000 1000 R25/P2000 R07/P2000 NSC 08/08 Q1013 TEMPO 4000 SHRA BKN020CB
LFRO - Lannion/Servel, France
Distance from station: SSE 135mi, 218km
Updated: 22/02/2025 07:30
 Wind from WSW
Wind: WSW 9 mph , 15 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 8°C
Dew Point: 9°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 1013 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 6 miles , 9 km
Cloud details: Overcast 305 m
2025/02/22 07:30 LFRO 220730Z AUTO 24008KT 9000 OVC010 10/09 Q1013

# Note Plymouth airport closed 23/12/2011

Metar, brief description

METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is predominantly used by pilots in fulfillment of a part of a pre-flight weather briefing, and by meteorologists, who use aggregated METAR information to assist in weather forecasting.

Raw METAR is the most popular format in the world for the transmission of weather data. Each METAR report contains essential information about the current weather conditions: Temperature, Dew Point, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed and Direction, Visibility, Clouds Cover, Current Weather (Rain, Thunderstorms, Hail, Snow and so on...), here is an example of a raw metar report for EGHQ (Newquay airport).
METAR not available