newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated18/03/2025 13:45 

More METAR Reports From

Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station     Metar Station
EGBB Birmingham     EGBE Coventry     EGLL London Heathrow     EGKK London Gatwick     EGGP Liverpool
EGGW Luton     EGNX East Midlands     EGLC London City     EGCC Mancester Intl     EGSS Stanstead
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EGBB - Birmingham Airpo, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 200mi, 323km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 13 mph , 20 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 38%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGBB 181350Z 11011KT 080V140 CAVOK 11/M03 Q1023
EGBE - Coventry Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 205mi, 330km
Updated: 18/07/2017 13:50
NOT Current
 Wind from E
Wind: E 16 mph , 26 km/h
Temperature: 27°C
Heat Index: 27°C
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 45%
Barometer: 1015 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2017/07/18 13:50 EGBE 181350Z 10014KT 060V120 CAVOK 27/14 Q1015
EGLL - London/Heathrow, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 213mi, 343km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from E
Wind: E 13 mph , 20 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: -1°C
Humidity: 47%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGLL 181350Z AUTO 08011KT 050V110 9999 NCD 10/M01 Q1023 NOSIG
EGKK - London/Gatwick A, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 219mi, 352km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from ENE
Wind: ENE 15 mph , 24 km/h
Temperature: 12°C
Dew Point: -5°C
Humidity: 30%
Barometer: 1022 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGKK 181350Z 06013KT CAVOK 12/M05 Q1022
EGGP - Liverpool Airpor, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NNE 221mi, 356km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 16 mph , 26 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: -2°C
Humidity: 43%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGGP 181350Z 11014KT CAVOK 10/M02 Q1023
EGGW - Luton Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 226mi, 364km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 14 mph , 22 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 43%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGGW 181350Z AUTO 11012KT 070V130 9999 NCD 09/M03 Q1023
EGNX - East Midlands, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 230mi, 371km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from E
Wind: E 16 mph , 26 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: -3°C
Humidity: 38%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Summary: Clear
Visibility: greater than 7 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGNX 181350Z 10014KT 060V130 CAVOK 11/M03 Q1023
EGLC - London City Airp, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 234mi, 377km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from E
Wind: E 22 mph , 35 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 5°C
Dew Point: -6°C
Humidity: 34%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGLC 181350Z AUTO 09019KT 9999 NCD 09/M06 Q1023
EGCC - Manchester Intl, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NNE 235mi, 378km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from varies
Wind: varies 7 mph , 11 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: -2°C
Humidity: 41%
Barometer: 1023 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGCC 181350Z AUTO VRB06KT 9999 NCD 11/M02 Q1023
EGSS - Stansted Airport, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 250mi, 402km
Updated: 18/03/2025 13:50
 Wind from ESE
Wind: ESE 15 mph , 24 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: -5°C
Humidity: 35%
Barometer: 1024 hPa
Clouds: Clear
Visibility: 6 miles , 10 km
2025/03/18 13:50 EGSS 181350Z AUTO 11013KT 9999 NCD 10/M05 Q1024

Metar, brief description

METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is predominantly used by pilots in fulfillment of a part of a pre-flight weather briefing, and by meteorologists, who use aggregated METAR information to assist in weather forecasting.

Raw METAR is the most popular format in the world for the transmission of weather data. Each METAR report contains essential information about the current weather conditions: Temperature, Dew Point, Barometric Pressure, Wind Speed and Direction, Visibility, Clouds Cover, Current Weather (Rain, Thunderstorms, Hail, Snow and so on...), here is an example of a raw metar report for EGHQ (Newquay airport).
METAR not available